7 benefits of Couple-Trekking and Camping in Bangalore

7 benefits of Couple-Trekking and Camping in Bangalore

Someone wise once said, ‘“I believe in the magic of watching a sunset with a loved one.”

The four pillars of a successful relationship are trust, love, respect, and understanding. These pillars often fall due to hectic job life, responsibilities, and lack of time management. But it does not have to be hard or painful, there are better ways of bonding with your partner without compromising on responsibilities. We recommend one such tried and tested “path” – a trek with your partner & camping somewhere you love to travel or it can also be the neighborhood of your residing city.

Most couples would generally plan for safer, luxurious, less tiring getaways to spend holidays. What happens when they come back? Same life with same troubles, same challenges. But what could make you worrisome about when you are with your partner and the right agent to guide?? A trek accompanied by camping would be ideal for couples who are not just health and fitness conscious or those who have a love for mountainous landscapes, fresh air, and challenging workouts.

If the Mountains can teach you patience, humility, sensitivity to your surroundings and bestow you with inner peace, you are not just a better human being but a better, more loving partner. In the Western ghats, Karnataka is one of the capitals of trekking points. Mountain lovers and trekkers travel from different states and cities to experience the western ghats trekking.

In the beginning, all the relationships look interesting, strong, and green, with time it starts fading. There are many reasons for fading relationships, some of the common factors are hectic work life, counting on each other’s faults, high expectations, and so on. A break is needed in every interval and must be invested in enhancing the bonding between the two. Generally, a couple goes on short trips to a destination, they eat, sleep, relax, take a few massages and selfies together and come back. Why not a vacation with some adventurous activity? How it’s going to help?

Here are the seven important reasons a Couple should opt for trekking and camping in Bangalore;

1. Enhances the bonding:

Trekking together gives couple absolute self-time for each other. They are not distracted by mobile phones, Social media, work, or other people. The focus is on two things, the path, and the partner.

2. Companionship:

The exciting friendship in the relationship that was forgotten is reminded again. The attitude of saying ‘let go’ in a relationship is crucial at times. A trek teaches you well to say ‘let go’. When you are together in the knowledge that you have limitations in the outskirts, you learn to listen to each other and show respect and appreciation for every obstacle to overcome. When you return to your regular life, you are a more evolved couple – capable of letting go whenever necessary.

3. Understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses:

As a couple, you not only give the company but are also expected to bring out the best in each other and to adjust to the shortcomings. Gently nudging your partner & boosting up with encouraging phrases will not only help you make it to your destination but will also bring your other half to have full support for you.

4. Learning from Mother Nature:

There is immense to learn from every aspect of nature. In the rat race life often forget to pause, feel, think and understand what nature is telling us every moment. Like, air, we breathe every second but we don’t even realize it and its importance unless we face a problem. When you trek, you are cut off from routine life and very much indulge with nature. Hence, you as a couple to get a good time with nature, even as individuals.

5.  Adaptability to the situation:

We complain so much in everyday life. You may be a power couple but somewhere in that, you try controlling and get controlled. At times you feel one is wrong, the other right but maybe both are right or both are wrong. It is a home, not a courtroom hence it’s not always about being right or wrong but it’s about acceptance and adjustments in a mutual way. The absolute trekking experience teaches adaptability to the situation in its best way with all fun.

6. Budget-friendly holiday:

Instead of planning a sophisticated, comfy, secured getaway, you as a couple can choose something adventurous, fitness-oriented, and budget-friendly. Trekking and camping are way more fun-filled and budget-friendly too. Give a thought and plan your next adventure with your partner.

7. At last the sense of success together:

Rather than winning alone, it gives more happiness and a sense of completeness when you as a couple scale the height and reach the top together. Facing all hurdles on your path, enjoying every drop of your sweat, encountering each moment with your partner when you reach the top, its feels great. Give it a try and see!

‘To live life fully, you have leave counting excuses’ ~ The Passive Mind

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