Best Summer Adventure Ideas and Fun Activities Near Bangalore

Best Summer Adventure Ideas and Fun Activities Near Bangalore

The king of all seasons, Summer, is upon us. Even the dust and dulls would like to wind up in the big pool with no wear. But some big-hearted adventurers (probably, you) fizz all the heat and throw it away in the mountains surrounded by adequate fogs and lush-green wild terrains. Well, If beaches are more your style, picture yourself strolling on the shore. It might be a little humid, but who cares when you're having a blast?
If you haven’t figured out which adventure trip you would like to ‘smoke’ after the end of the financial year then we are here to solve this problem. But before that, one needs to understand that indulging in adventure activities is alluring and can be addictive like smoking (not in a bad way, in a loving way). Out of the many understandings, there are two vital reasons for this addiction: The feeling of newness and a detour from your usual schedule to bring multiple perspectives.

Let’s figure out the options for summer adventures these upcoming months:

1) Cycling Journeys: Hills or City Streets

cycling adventure

Imagine the cool breeze whipping through your hair as you zoom along on your bike. Cyclists often discover more than they set out to find. Once you're on the move, the destination itself might become less important than just enjoying the ride, whether it's through scenic landscapes, busy city streets, peaceful outskirts, challenging hills, calming forests, or coffee estates. All you need is a backpack, some water bottles, some high-energy snacks, and a trusty bike.
Escape2Explore offers a variety of fun cycling adventures for the warm weather season, like the Big Banyan Tree Cycling Tour and the Savandurga Cycling Tour.

2) Hiking Trips: Day Time or Night Time (Sunrise)

trekking near bangalore
Hiking is for everyone: anyone who loves exploring the world, meeting new people and cultures, wandering off the beaten path, visiting places with historical, architectural, mythological, or spiritual significance, venturing into mountain ranges and thick forests, witnessing breathtaking sunsets and sunrises, or conquering challenging nighttime climbs. Most mountain trails are cooler than the typical warm-weather heat, especially those nestled in the Western Ghats or near rivers and waterfalls.
Escape2Explore conducts some of the most popular hiking trips, including Himalayan trekking, the Narayanagiri Night Trek, the Manchanabele River Side Trek, and many more.

3) Camping Adventures: Waterfall Escapes

Camping near bangalore
Have you ever dreamt of living in the mountains by a cascading waterfall? This dream can come true! Imagine the peacefulness of being surrounded by the music of a waterfall and the stunning view of a green mountain landscape. The whole experience feels like stepping into a fairytale.
Escape2Explore can help you find the perfect waterfall camping spot for your warm-weather adventure, like the Hogenakkal Falls Overnight Camping Trip.

4) Water Fun for the Warm Weather

water activities
Beat the heat with some exciting water activities! While many people head to resorts with pools, nature offers stunning locations with refreshing climates and tons of water sports to enjoy, like kayaking, rappelling, coracle riding, and more. The Himalayan Mountains and certain trails in the Western Ghats boast breathtaking scenery and countless opportunities for water fun.
Plan your water sports adventure for the warm weather (with paintball as an optional add-on) with Escape2Explore. We offer exciting options like the Savandurga Night Trek with Kayaking Adventure.

5) Caving, Rappelling, and Rock-Climbing Adventures

rope activities
This might seem unexpected, but when the warm weather gets really hot and makes you want to stay inside, trust us, spelunking (cave exploration) can be an incredibly rewarding activity. Explore ancient mysteries, appreciate amazing rock formations, and uncover historical evidence—doesn't that sound exciting? In addition to spelunking, you can participate in heart-pounding rappelling and rock-climbing adventures.
Escape2Explore is always adding new adventures to its trekking options, like the Anthargange Night Trek, the Turhalli Forest Trek with Rappelling, and many more.

So, why do we have to wait during the summer because of the heat and sweat? You can go to some cold places, trek along the high hills, indulge in water sports, or just explore the caves. The case is, hereby, solved. It’s time you become the Adam and Eve of this Adventurous World.

During any of our trips, our expert team guides you through all the important routes with full information about the places and protects you with technical support.

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Unleash adventure near Bangalore! From hills to caves, immerse in nature's thrill. Unforgettable memories await!

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